Velocity Sequencer Node

Overrides the velocity of each note in a Melody by applying predetermined velocity values, each of which is valid for a certain period of time. These values are applied based on the start time of incoming notes.


Melody Input

The Melody to modify.


Period length

The period length within which each velocity value is applied to notes occurring at that timestamp.

Editing each value is possible using the sequential value editor.

Number of steps

Specifies the number of steps in the pattern.

Similar Nodes

  • The Velocity Envelope Node also modifies note velocity, but, the current node is more suitable for modifying single-line sequences like drums or simple bass rhythms.


Melody Output

The modified Melody.

Node Conversions

Node conversion is available from the node panel menu.

★ With AudioNodes HD

Convert to: Envelope Pattern Node

When converting, each step is converted to an envelope control point with an Immediate curve. The duration of the envelope will be the product of the Number of steps and the Step length.

Convert To: Envelope Node

Similarly to Envelope Pattern Node conversion, each step is converted to an envelope control point with an Immediate curve. Since this converted node manifests with a timeline segment immediately, sequence of control points is repeated from time 0 until project duration.