0.5.7 Update – Snippets & Math Nodes vol.2

Hey there, today we are releasing a small update, containing app support for a new snippet preview page, and various improvements to Math Nodes.

Snippets Changes

The public preview page of snippets received a facelift, with handy new features. Here’s an example: House Drum Kit and Patterns.

Notable changes:

  • The preview page now shows the title, thumbnail, description, audio preview, and thumbnail preview of the snippet, instead of an embedded version of AudioNodes Online, which makes the page a lot faster
  • Sharing a snippet’s URL in social media, slack, etc. now shows its thumbnail preview, title, description, and even audio preview if supported by the platform
  • The preview page received 2 buttons:
    • Copy Snippet – copies the snippet to the clipboard, which you can then paste into AudioNodes (the webapp and the desktop app both support this) – unlike the earlier “copy to clipboard” button, this correctly copies files as well
    • Open Snippet – opens the snippet in AudioNodes online directly – if you already have a project open, you can decide if you want to replace the project, or paste the snippet
  • The example project has been converted to a featured snippet, and when trying to open the example project, you’ll be greeted with the snippets dialog instead

Math Node Changes

Some Nodes in the Math category got a touch-up in this update:

  • Divide Node can now detect its own channel count, and thus the manual setting is no longer necessary, and has been removed
  • Divide Node output limit of -256 to 256 has been removed
  • Divide Node now outputs zero when a division by zero occurs
  • One Per X Node output limit of -256 to 256 has been removed
  • One Per X Node now outputs zero when a division by zero occurs
  • Absolute Value Node no longer forces a mono output, and is no longer experimental
  • Fractional Node no longer forces a mono output, and is no longer experimental
  • Round Node no longer forces a mono output, and is no longer experimental

Misc Changes