Audio File Analyzer Node

The Audio File Analyzer Node takes an audio file as its input, analyzes it, and outputs its results.


Audio File Input

A data input that expects an audio file, typically from an Audio File Param Node.


Peak-Level Output

The input audio file’s peak level, as a linear value. For an audio file with full loudness (or 0dB), this value will be 1. If no audio file is loaded, it outputs 0. This value is always constant, and thus enables constant folding in connected Nodes.

When the value is not 0, you can use its inverse to perform peak normalization, by connecting the result to a Gain Node’s Gain param. If the peak level is 0.5, for example, taking its inverse will result in 2.0. Connect that to a Gain Node’s Gain param, and you get a signal with a peak level of 1.0.