Channel Splitter Node

Splits a multi-channel audio or control signal (such as a stereo signal) to individual single channel signals. This is useful if you only want to apply an effect to one channel in a signal (e.g. to add a gain change or pitch change to the left channel only).

Use the Channel Merger Node to reconstruct the multi-channel signal from its individual channel components.


Audio Input

An audio or control signal to split.

The channel count of this signal should match the Number of channels setting for correct behavior. If they don’t match, the Channel Merger Node will automatically upmix or downmix the signal to match the Number of channels setting.


Number of Channels

The number of outputs created on the Channel Splitter Node, and consequently, the number of channels supported by its Audio Input.


This Node has a variable number of outputs. This is what the Number of channels setting determines. The channel layout depends on the number of channels used, see Channel Matching & Mixing.

Each output is a single-channel (mono) signal.

Limitations & Known Issues

The Channel Merger Node does not accurately visualize individual outputs as distinct audio or control signals (blue and orange, respectively). Instead, if the input signal is determined to be an audio signal (blue), all outputs will be audio signals as well. Same for control signals.

This visualization limitation has no effect on the actual signal contents.