The Envelope Node outputs a control signal that changes over time, based on an envelope you draw on the Timeline. You can use this to fade phases in a song in and out, by connecting to a Gain Node‘s Gain Control Input, for example.
How to Use
The Envelope Node acts as a control signal source, which you most commonly use to change the parameter of another Node, usually an audio effect Node. Connect the Envelope Node’s output to the parameter control input you want to control. The Gain Node’s Gain Control Input is one common example: connect your Envelope Node to it, to cause the gain level to change over time.
Note that, by default, the Envelope Node outputs a signal in the [0, 1] range. This is suitable for something like the Gain Node, but not for controlling e.g. the frequency parameter of a Lowpass Filter Node (which usually works between 10 Hz and something like 20000 Hz). Adjust settings to fit the controlled destination.
See Envelope Editor.
Out Min Value to Out Max Value
These 2 values define the range of values output by the Node.
The lowest values (points at the bottom of the envelope draw area) will result in the Out Min Value. The highest values (points at the top of the envelope draw area) will result in the Out Max Value. Values between are interpolated.
When enabled, adds some smoothing to the output signal to avoid clicks.
Control Output
A control signal containing the current value from the Envelope. It changes over time as playback progresses.
Technical Details
- The Envelope Node continues to output its value while playback is paused.
- If there is no clip defined at a particular point on the Timeline, the Envelope Node always outputs zero, even if the Out Min Value setting is set to a non-zero value.
- If there are 2 or more Clips defined at a particular point on the Timeline, the produced output is the sum of those Clips.
Node conversions
Node conversion is available from the node menu.
Convert to: Velocity Envelope Node
When converting, control points are transferred to the new Velocity Envelope Node. For now, only one timeline segment will be created, old ones are omitted. Since output types misfit, existing connections are omitted as well.

Note: we intend to make this configurable, with more options such as maintaining the segments as they are.