Sample And Hold Node

The Sample And Hold Node samples an input signal based on a trigger signal. When the trigger signal increases above 0, the Sample And Hold Node takes a snapshot of its input signal, and outputs it until the next time the trigger signal increases above 0 again.


Audio/Control Input

The audio/control signal to sample. This is the signal from which snapshots will be output.

Trigger Input

An audio/control signal to trigger a snapshot. When this signal increases above 0 (meaning it had to be either 0, or negative beforehand), the Sample And Hold Node takes a snapshot of its Audio/Control Input, and outputs it until the next time the Trigger Input signal increases above 0.

This input only supports a single channel (mono) input. Inputs with more than 1 channel are automatically downmixed to mono.


Audio/Control Output

An audio/control signal containing snapshots from the Audio/Control Input, as triggered by the Trigger Input. Has the same channel count as the Audio/Control Input.