The Wave Type Param Node shows a basic waveform type selector, and outputs the selected waveform type. Useful for custom Nodes to show a waveform type selector, or to control the waveform type of multiple other Nodes from a single source.
Note: this Node only outputs the waveform type, not an actual audible waveform. Use an Oscillator Node or LFO Node to generate the actual waveform.
The waveform type to output. If set to Controlled, the Wave Type Param Node will create a data input on the parent subpatch (has no effect when used outside a subpatch).
Wave types on/off
The available wave types are customizable , but at least two must be enabled. Of course, there are no restrictions on wave types when they are received through input.
When inside a subpatch, sets the Wave Type Param Node’s appearance order. Lower values come first. This is a visual setting and has no effect on the actual output.
Sets whether to show visual separators on the properties panel when used in a subpatch. Visual setting, has no effect on output.
Sets the Wave Type Param Node’s color appearance.
Determines whether the wave visualization is displayed vertically or horizontally
Wave Type Output
A data output containing the current waveform type.