Enter AudioNodes HD

AudioNodes HD is AudioNodes' full, early access premium experience.

Enjoy editing with extra features & productivity tools.


Unlimited Nodes
Unlimited Tracks
Stereo Audio Renders Up To 48 kHz
7.1 Audio Renders Up To 96 kHz
Custom Nodes
Polyphonic Subpatches
Unlimited Subpatches
Multi-Screen Support
Advanced Node Settings
Advanced Timeline Settings & Markers
Private Snippets Up To 100 MB
Opt-in Experimental Features

AudioNodes HD

1st month is free & then from $8.33/month
Unlimited Nodes
Unlimited Tracks

Stereo Audio Renders Up To 48 kHz

7.1 Audio Renders Up To 96 kHz
Custom Nodes
Polyphonic Subpatches
Unlimited Subpatches
Multi-Screen Support
Advanced Node Settings
Advanced Timeline Settings & Markers
Private Snippets Up To 100 MB
Opt-in Experimental Features


What does HD do?

AudioNodes HD unlocks a wide variety of advanced settings, productivity features, and extra online services, inside the AudioNodes app. This includes a large number of advanced Node settings, and... actually, just take a look at the table above. It lists all of the more prominent perks HD contains.

Also be on the lookout for the HD badge inside AudioNodes. It means a feature available with AudioNodes HD.

Is this a subscription? Can I cancel it?

Yes, it is. You can choose automatically renewing annual or monthly. Remember that the annual one comes at a discounted price (see the details when subscribing), and it's pretty good value.

You can cancel any time, even during the trial period (in which case you won't be charged). Do note that almost every update adds new features only available in the HD subscription. So even if you didn't find what you were looking for right now, keep an eye on the blog, as AudioNodes is still under development.

Is there a perpetual license option?

Not at the moment, no. It's something that may come later, but there are no plans for it currently.

What happens to my work when cancelled? Do I get locked out?


Existing projects, custom Nodes, and snippets you made will continue to work unchanged. However, you won't be able to interact with features that are only available in AudioNodes HD. For example, you won't be able to edit custom Nodes & subpatches anymore. They'll continue to work just the same, but you won't be able to edit them until reactivated.

TL;DR: you'll be able to continue to work on your projects without issue. The subscription doesn't lock you in.

Ready to start in full HD?