Constant Value Node

Outputs a single constant value, useful in computation graphs (in conjunction with AddMultiply, etc. Nodes).



Sets the output value constant.


Sets the Constant Value Node’s appearance order when used in a subpatch (e.g. a Subpatch Node). Affects both input order, and the Constant Value Node’s appearance order on the properties panel. Lower values appear first. Has no effect when used outside a subpatch.


Adds dividers when the Constant ValueNode appears on the properties panel of a subpatch (e.g. Subpatch Node). This setting is visual, and has no effect on the output.


Value Output

Control output for the constant value specified by the Value setting.

Similar Nodes

  • Knob Node – also emits a constant value, with the ability of editing it with a circular slider, directly from the node object.

Node conversions

★ With AudioNodes HD

Node conversion is available from the node menu.

Convert to: Knob

When converting, Value is transferred to the new Knob NodeMax. value is calculated by the following rules:

  • Value * 2 is equal / greater than max safe integer: Max Value = max safe integer
  • Value * 2 is less than max safe integer: Max Value = Value * 2